Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ubuntu Screencast with RecordMyDesktop

Horaaay...finally We found a way to record our ubuntu dekstop session by using Recordmydesktop. At the first time we played it with Totem Player, it just looks good. But when we uploaded it to youtube, we felt that there was something wrong with the video format. it was just not good enough, too blurry. What do you think?


  1. Shortcut yang di atas itu namanya apa Mas?

  2. @za : itu namanya wbar, dock shortcut...liat postingan saya disini : http://dagonet-ubuntu.blogspot.com/2009/01/installing-wbar-in-ubuntu-810.html

  3. kok saya tiap mau rekam pake RecordMyDesktop selalu sendat2 ya? padahal spek kompi ga jelek2 amat, kira2 setelan kualitas video, framerate, dll yg cocok gimana ya? anehnya kl dipilih opsi render on the fly hasilnya malah kecepetan, jadi gerakan gambar kyk di fast forward.
